Applicant information

First name

Enter a first name

Last name

Enter a last name


Enter a phone number

Phone type
Email address

Enter a valid email address

Email type



Enter an address

Apartment, suite, etc. (optional)

Enter a city


Enter a country


Enter a state

ZIP code

Enter a zip

Date of birth


Enter a month


Enter a day


Enter a year



Enter a gender


Enter an ethnicity


Applicant Additional Information

Living arrangement

Enter a response

What team/local program do you participate with?

Enter a response


Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Information/Emergency Contact - Required

First name

Enter a response

Last name

Enter a response

Phone number

Enter a response

Street address

Enter a response


Enter a response


Enter a response

Zip code

Enter a response

Email address

Enter a response

What is your relationship to the Athlete?

Enter a response

Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer for Special Olympics RI?

Enter a response


Associated Conditions (Required)

Select all that apply

Enter a response

If Other was chosen, please specify:

Enter a response


Assisted Devices and Accommodations (Required)


Enter a response

Lifestyle aids

Enter a response

Communications Support

Enter a response

Medical Devices

Enter a response

Personal Support Needed

Enter a response

1:1 Support: Additional detail:

Enter a response

Dietary Restrictions

Enter a response

Other Dietary Restriction detail:

Enter a response


Shirt Size

Athlete's Shirt Size

Enter a response

Other Shirt Size detail:

Enter a response


General Health Questions

Height (ft)

Enter a response

Weight (lbs)

Enter a response

Do you have a heart condition?

Enter a response

Do you have high blood pressure?

Enter a response

Do you have asthma?

Enter a response

Do you have diabetes that requires you to take insulin?

Enter a response

Do you have a vision impairment?

Enter a response

Do you have a hearing impairment?

Enter a response

Do you have a bleeding disorder?

Enter a response

Has a doctor ever limited your participation in sports?

Enter a response

Do you have epilepsy or any type of seizure disorder?

Enter a response

Do you have sickle cell disease?

Enter a response

Have you ever had a concussion?

Enter a response

If you answered Yes to the previous question, how many concussions have you had in your lifetime, and what was the date of your last concussion?

Enter a response

Do you have behavior, mental health, and/or sensory conditions?

Enter a response

If you answered Yes to the previous question, please specify:

Enter a response

Do you have severe allergies that require the use of an EpiPen?

Enter a response

If you answered Yes to the previous question, please specify:

Enter a response

If you selected Medication/Drugs, please specify:

Enter a response

If you selected Other in the previous question, please specify:

Enter a response


Medication and Treatment (Required)

Are you taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or treatments? (Including birth control pills, insulin, multivitamins, allergy spots or pills, EpiPen, asthma inhalers, epilepsy medication, anti-inflammatory medication, supplements of any kind, etc.)

List all medications, their dosages, and how frequently it is needed:

Enter a response


Form Completion

Name of person completing this form

Enter a response

Today's date

Enter a response

Is this form being completed by someone other than the athletes?

Enter a response

If you answered Yes to the previous question, please select the relationship to the athlete:

Enter a response


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