2025 Torch Run Plunge
Plunge to support the athletes of Special Olympics Rhode Island
Torch Run Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Rhode IslandSunday, March 23, 202510:00 a.m. Check In12:00 p.m. PlungeSalty Brine State Beach, Galilee, RI$50 MINIMUM DONATION TO PLUNGEPlungers raising $100 or more earn an official 2025 Plunge long sleeve t-shirt.Additional incentives available.
raised of $60,000 goal25
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https://give.specialolympicsri.org/campaigns/36311-2025-torch-run-plunge?ref=1 -
Location / Venue
- Add to Calendar
- Address:
- 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd
- Narragansett, RI 02882
- Time:
- Mar 23, 2025 10:00am - 12:30pm ET
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RIMPTA 2025-1 Newport Police FOP#8 URI POLICE Town of West Greenwich Police & Municipal Workers East Providence Police Department Rhode Island State Police Tiverton Police Department Arctic Athletes Cumberland Police Department Rhode Island Sheriffs Pawtucket Police Department Johnston Police and Fire Departments North Kingstown Police Department Pawtucket Fire Dept L1261 Warwick Police Department North Providence Police Department Central Falls Police Department Providence Police Coventry Police Department Barrington Police Department arctice athlete arctice athlete Burgess Girls Warwick Veterans Middle School Coventry high schoolSupport a Team or Participant?
Help a Team or Participant reach their goal, or make a general contribution.
Arctic Athletes
arctice athlete
arctice athlete
Barrington Police Department
Burgess Girls
Central Falls Police Department
Coventry high school
Coventry Police Department
Cumberland Police Department
East Providence Police Department
Johnston Police and Fire Departments
Newport Police FOP#8
North Kingstown Police Department
North Providence Police Department
Pawtucket Fire Dept L1261
Pawtucket Police Department
Providence Police
Rhode Island Sheriffs
Rhode Island State Police
RIMPTA 2025-1
Tiverton Police Department
Town of West Greenwich Police & Municipal Workers
Warwick Police Department
Warwick Veterans Middle School
Adam Chiang
Albert Tomei
Alden Daras
Alexander Botelho
Alexia Maxwell
Alison Turner
Allyson Tessied
Alyssa Coates
Andrew Tabachini
Anthony Sullivan
Bradley Nuhn
Brent Loring
Briana Turcotte
Caleb Ikkela
Carrie Kenyon
Carrie Hormanski
Charles Brazee
Christina Peacock
Christopher Reilly
Christopher Brown
Christopher McCluskie
Cote David
Cyress Harrison
David Taylor
David Deloge
Derek Adams
Dmitriy Drozdov
Domenic Carvalho
dominic williams
Dylan Myers
Dylan Reasor
Dylan Navakauskas
Elijah Bolarinho
Ella Navakauskas
Emily Masse
Emily Maclaughlin
Evan Johnson
Frank Matarese Jr.
Gerald Sena
Giana Reinsant
Grant Webler
Grecia Velasquez
Heather Wyrostek
Ian Shepherd
Jacob Berard
Jadine Ferri
Jake Glod
James Tiernan
James Casale
James Dean
James Doyal
Jason Gomez
jason Beneduce
Jason Mez
Jason Larivee
Jason Gormley
Jeffrey Fraser
Jeremy Octeau
John Mccomiskey
John Reasor
John LeDuc
Jolene Alves
Jonathan Gonzalez
Jordynn Cahoon
Joseph Paiva
Joseph Holleran
Joseph Barek III
Justin Simmons
Justin Conti
Justyn Martinez
Kathy Krzywonos
Kevin Raymond
Kevin Roca
Kevin Grant
Kyle Shibley
Leopold Bellegarde
Lexus Falcone
Lilian Brazee
Linda Cofran
Madelyn Drinkwine
Madk Buckel
Manuel Perez
Marissa Darcy
Mark Lubin
Mary-Ellen Powers
Matthew Pacheco
Megan Quaratella
Michael Bernardo
Michael Conlon
Michael Ethier
Michael Colucci
Michael Strain
Mike McCabe
Nathan Maigret
Nathan Drinkwine
Nathan Souza
Nathan Valderrama
Nathaniel Quaratella
Neil Powell
Nichoals Jamrog
Nicholas Morey
Nicholas Quaratella
Nicholas Malafronte
Nicholas Malafronte
Nikolas DaSilva
Nikolas Comstantino
Olivia Granatiero
Paige Bullock
Pat Leary
Patrick Holmes
Paul Gonsalves
Paul Ricci Jr.
Paul Ricci
Philip Trudel
Quinn McNamara
Raymond Ho
Renee Perron
Richard Ramsay
Ricky Sanchez
Robert Valvo
Robert Marshall
Ryan Carello
Ryan Avedisian
Ryan DeSisto
Ryan Fleming
Saeddien Mejia
Sam Hartman
Sarah LaBreche
Sean Grimes
Sean Fay
Shaun Wilson
Shawn Ingram
Sloan Kinney
Sofia Illiano
Stephen Sullivan
Stephen Baker
Susan Kearney
Suzanne Andrews
Tammy David
Tate Copeland
Taylor Parker
Thomas Pederzani
Thomas Letourneau
Thomas Quaratella
Timothy Daly
Timothy Clarke
Timothy Bentley
Tyler Novick
Victoria Sartini
Wesley Meyer
William Lavigueur
William Bentley
William Orellana Jr
William Orellana
Zach Kretchman
Zachary Morin